Regardless of what team (church) someone is part of—if they call on the name of Jesus—they are part of His team, they are working on the same goal
Bible Text: Mark 7:31-37 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: Mark: Take Up Your Cross | Series: Mark, Take Up Your Cross Text: Mark 7:31-36 Main Point: Jesus has…
Bible Text: Mark 4:1-20 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: Mark: Take Up Your Cross
Bible Text: Mark 3:13-19 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: Mark: Take Up Your Cross
Bible Text: Acts 1:8 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: The Holy Spirit
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: The Holy Spirit
Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Speaker: Pastor Chris Bass | Series: Signs on the Road to Discipleship
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